Olmalaika Angel Ornament Pattern in production in Kenya

The Olmalaika Home and it's Angels

If you're wondering, Olmalaika means 'angel' in KiMaasai :)  With that as an intro you KNOW this is going to be a good story…
Today I want to tell you about the Olmalaika Girls' Home in Kenya.  To do that, I'll have to rewind a bit to about 6 months back.

A kind woman named Gwenyth contacted me on Facebook.  She was a La Todera pattern customer, and also a supporter of the Olmalaika Home for Girls.

The Home is a refuge for girls that are facing early childhood marriage and/or female genital mutilation in Kenya.  That's right. Genital mutilation is still being practiced in many parts of the world.  Girls are being married off as young as 6 years old.  And to make them more 'desirable' brides, they are mutilated.  I shudder just typing that term.

Kim DeWitt and her girls

The Olmalaika home was started by Kim DeWitt- you can read more about the story, which is a fantastic and super heart warming one- here.

Back to Gwyneth in Australia.  Gwyneth is a friend of Kim, and a frequent volunteer at the home.  Gwenyth had the idea to teach the girls a craft to give them a skill and something to sell the create an income stream for the home.

Of course I was really excited about this idea, and had to come up with the perfect pattern.  It had to be easy for all skill levels, cost effective to make, and small enough to transport for purchasers of the future ornaments. The Olmalaika Angel Ornament pattern was the result!

Finished Olmalaika Angel Ornament
Olmalaika Angle Pattern cover
This past July, Gwyneth brought the pattern and supplies to Kenya and helped teach the girls how to make them!  Look at these precious photos:

Olmalaika Angel Ornaments made in African fabrics!

They are planning to make the angels to sell as souvenirs for visitors to the home, as well as to be sold in the in the home countries of the visiting volunteers.

To continue my own involvement in the project, I'm selling the Olmalaika Angel Pattern and donating the proceeds directly to the home.  If you'd like to buy a pattern of your own, they are available here.
Of course the pattern can be customized with your choice of fabrics, floss colors, etc.

Olmalaika Angel Pattern cover

So why not get your own pattern and make Olmalaika Angels for everyone on your holiday list?  You'll be crafting for your loved ones as well as helping some beautiful little girls in Kenya :)
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