First off, let me just say that when Clothworks asked me to design a line of 'funky basics,' I was thrilled. You can see from my flower patterns that I design a lot of smaller items that look best done in tonals and textures (as opposed to ginormous prints.) I wanted an alternative to solids and batiks, know what I mean? So the idea for the Closer Look line had been simmering on the back burner of my mind for awhile.
You can see texture and pattern everywhere you look. Some of the MOST amazing patterns are the ones you might see under a magnifying glass. (Title-Title! -'A Closer Look!')

Collage of 'A Closer Look' swatches
There are 4 designs in A Closer Look- 'Shagreen,' 'Purl,' 'Air Dots,' and 'Salt.'
Let's talk about 'Salt.'
Let's talk about 'Salt.'

'Salt' from 'A Closer Look' collection by La Todera for Clothworks
Salt is a pile of salt crystals magnified about 100X. Then digitized, recolored, put into repeat, and voila! The result is a subtly shaded fabric with funky interest upon closer inspection.
The color are high pastels. I selected colors that might be hard to find in other pastel lines. They are just a bit vintagey- They remind me of an illustrated children's book from the seventies! From a cornflower blue, a slightly acidy yellow and bubble gummy pink, lime green and fuchsia, to a yummy slightly dusty turquoise.
Also included are a light grey that has a range of greys like a Carera marble, and a dark grey that is the perfect cold grey that looks great with pastels.
By the way, if you are crazy about crystals like I am, check out these images from the Crystal Caves in Chihuahua, Mexico!
Salt is a pile of salt crystals magnified about 100X. Then digitized, recolored, put into repeat, and voila! The result is a subtly shaded fabric with funky interest upon closer inspection.
The color are high pastels. I selected colors that might be hard to find in other pastel lines. They are just a bit vintagey- They remind me of an illustrated children's book from the seventies! From a cornflower blue, a slightly acidy yellow and bubble gummy pink, lime green and fuchsia, to a yummy slightly dusty turquoise.
Also included are a light grey that has a range of greys like a Carera marble, and a dark grey that is the perfect cold grey that looks great with pastels.
By the way, if you are crazy about crystals like I am, check out these images from the Crystal Caves in Chihuahua, Mexico!

Cueva de los Cristales, Chihuahua Mexico
The caves were discovered by miners looking for lead in 2000. At the moment, you can only be in the caves for under 10 minutes at a time due to the extreme heat (a nearby hot spring keeps it at a steamy 140 degrees with 90- 100% humidity.) That wouldn't stop ME. A visit to these amazing caves is totally on my bucket list!! Who wants to go with me??!!