Confession- I have a long standing mad crush on the artist Kaffe Fassett.
He has more artistic flair per cell than any other human, as far as I’m concerned. I love his sense of style, his way of teaching, his varied interests, and the passionate way he talks about all things color!
As a side note, I’ve gotten to know Kaffe during classes taken from him, as well as a quilt project of his I collaborated on.
Many, many of my patterns feature Kaffe Fassett fabrics on the cover models, and my first book, ‘Adventures in Fabric’ featured his fabrics as graphic accents as well as on the project models. I was very honored when he wrote the foreword to the book.

"I'm delighted Julie is sharing her talent for using prints for three-dimensional objects in a witty and aesthetic way. I have no doubt it will reach a large and appreciative audience of textile lovers."
-Kaffe Fassett
My adoration for all things Kaffe goes so far back, that my very first published pattern was dedicated to him. I called it the ‘Kafflower’ brooch.
Here you can see Kaffe at my first ever Quilt Market booth in Houston in 2010, checking out the Kafflowers. He was so tickled that he wore one of the flowers on his shirt for the rest of the show, which not only flattered me to pieces, but brought me a ton of business!
Lordy. Check out the 'fangirl-about-to-faint' expression I've got in these photos. OMG.
So now you know that story behind that crazy pattern name. It’s been a best seller ever since- and I’m sure the magic is in the inspiration!
Blessings and happy sewing,
Julie Creus
She wears aaaaaaaaaaall da hats at La Todera Sewing and Craft Patterns.